Do I move or does the World move?


Ain’t it weird how I move and the world does not? Or is it that the world moves, and I do not…?

Internal processing of external movement manifests itself in two ways:
External objects that are not fixed to the earths surface (in a stationary/inert way);
external objects that are fixed to the earth’s surface (in a stationary/inert way).
The former relates to other living entities, man-made machines, gases, liquids etc…
The later relates to what we consider the earth’s surface itself. An earthquake is a good example of when our senses, and survival mechanisms are dumbfounded.

But why do we have the ability to comprehend that things are either moving or they are stationary? My deduction is that, what we think of as moving and not moving, is only true to the extent that our internal alerts are triggered, recognising a difference between ourself and external stimuli.

The things that we recognise as moving, become more recognisable relative to the distance observed over a certain period of time, traveling away or towards ourselves.
Therefore the moving things that we are less able to recognise as moving, are the things that move closer to the movement in which we ourselves are moving.

This recognition of external movement is not really movement and non-movement. It is simply all movement that diverges from the speed at which we are traveling.

And doesn’t this prove existence?
It demonstrates that we are travelling at a certain objective speed, controlled by gravity and other forces which are specific to our external environment. These forces have in turn been determined based on the objective agreement that common observable external things, are moving at an agreed rate.

Everything that does move, to our recognition, is rational based on the common truth of ‘ourselves’. This is mathematics (laws of physics, including theoretical physics).

This common truth can only be the mind. The mind is the thing that recognises, even when it itself is still. Our minds are the things that aren’t moving.

The unmoved mover.

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